Duplicate Scoring Programs

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  1. Bridge Duplicate Scoring
  2. Scoring Duplicate Bridge
  3. App For Duplicate Bridge Scoring

The BridgePad™ scoring system, developed by a lifelong Duplicate Bridge player, is a sophisticated, yet easy to use Contract Bridge Scoring System for eliminating the distracting and time-consuming tasks of the traditional paper-based scoring system. Paper recording and manual entry of results into the scoring program is completely eliminated along with scoring errors and disputes due to mis-readings. Using the BridgePad™ system, the typical long wait for the final results of a game is dramatically reduced - final results are published almost immediately following the completion of the final board.

Scoring sheet At duplicate bridge (where every table plays the same deals), every deal is scored separately and no part scores are carried forward. Remember that your final contract refers to the number of tricks the partnership is willing to commit to over the book of six. 1 is a commitment to take 6 + 1 = 7 tricks.

The BridgePad™ system frees everybody to concentrate on Bridge.

  • Instant Scoring and Comparison
    • Board scores are calculated instantly and sent to ACBL's scoring program
    • The BridgePad™ system informs players about correct table, board number and vulnerability, avoiding errors and conflicts.
    • Final game results are calculated immediately and disseminated to the players without delay.
  • Smoother, Faster Games
    • The game Director can supervise the tournament without the distractions of collecting round score sheets and mediating scoring disputes.
    • One game Director can supervise more tables and more sections with less effort.
    • Players ACBL numbers can be entered by players at the tables and instantly sent to the ACBL scoring program.

Bridge Duplicate Scoring

What is the BridgePad™ system?

The BridgePad™ wireless scoring system consists of

Duplicate Scoring ProgramsDuplicate Scoring Programs
  • A *compact battery-powered wireless BridgePad™ Terminal at each playing table. Players enter their contract and board results into the terminal after each round.
  • A BridgePad™ Base Station connected to a computer that receives scores from the BridgePad™ terminals via wireless transmission and instantly transfers them to ACBLscore, or other standard scoring program.
  • BridgePad™ Software that connects the BridgePad™ base station to the ACBL scoring program .
  • The BridgePad™ terminals can not only send information to ACBLscore, but also receive information to be displayed to the players at the tables. Movement information from the scoring program is used to determine which pairs and which boards are at a specific table at each round of the game.
  • The BridgePad™ terminals can receive and display a comparison of results for the board just played against results obtained by previous teams playing the same board, and they receive and display the final results of the game.

  • *actual size approximately 6' X 3' X 3/4'

ACBLscore is software used by clubs to score duplicate bridge and report results to the ACBL. ACBLscore will handle almost any variation of movement, including individual. It can rank a stratified game with up to three strata, and can score by matchpoints, IMPs or Swiss Teams. Clone Remover belongs to that number of rare programs which not only solve all your problems but also solve them easily, simply and with pleasure for you. Clone Remover is a convenient in usage duplicate image file finder and duplicate image finder which works with such files as mp3, image duplicate files, video duplicates, etc. BridgeScorer is an app for scoring whilst playing the Duplicate Bridge card game. It can score either at-the-table, or after the event. BridgeScorer can score a complete duplicate bridge session (from the travellers) producing results as web-pages for easy upload or e-mail. ACBLscore is software used by clubs to score duplicate bridge and report results to the ACBL. ACBLscore will handle almost any variation of movement, including individual. It can rank a stratified game with up to three strata, and can score by matchpoints, IMPs or Swiss Teams. It supports a database of players so that it.


Find out more information about the BridgePad™ Wireless Scoring System by reading the information HERE

Scoring Duplicate Bridge


App For Duplicate Bridge Scoring

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The BridgePad™ Wireless Scoring System consists of a set of compact, wireless, battery operated data terminals located at each playing table, a wireless base station connected to a personal computer, and BridgePad™ software that runs on a standard IBM PC-compatible computer.

  • The BridgePad™ terminal is a compact unit (approximately 6' x 3' x 3/4') with a simple 25 key keyboard and screen that can display up to 8 lines of 20 characters. It is powered by 2 AA batteries (included) that last for several months with normal use. Each BridgePad™ terminal remains at the same table throughout a game.
  • The BridgePad™ wireless base station is a small wireless transceiver that connects to one of a PC’s USB ports via a standard USB cable. It can communicate with the BridgePad™ terminals up to 300 feet away using wireless radio frequency transmission.
  • The BridgePad™ system supports multiple sections and hundreds of players. The system can support multiple computers spread throughout a large area without interference between different sections, so it can be used even in the largest tournaments.
  • Simple for Players to Use
  • The BridgePad™ terminal keys are marked clearly and unambiguously with large letters and symbols familiar to Bridge players, designating their functions. The terminal displays information using large, easy to read characters. At any point players can request a 'Help screen' for additional guidance in using the terminal. However, the user interface, designed by a lifelong Bridge player, is so simple that a player using the terminal for the first time can enter scores without reading the instruction manual and without explanations from the Director.
  • BridgePad™ KNOWS Bridge !
  • BridgePad™ software uses information from the ACBL scoring program, about the movements, pair numbers, and correct table. Using this information, the software is able to register the scores it receives from a table for the correct pairs. With BridgePad™ wrong boards and mixed vulnerability will become distant memories.
  • Players can watch how they are doing
  • Players enter the contract and result as soon as each board is played. Since the BridgePad™ system knows the vulnerability of each board it can immediately calculate and send the scores for each board's score for display on the BridgePad™ terminal. With the BridgePad™ system players can forget about checking the bidding box to find the score for '6 Clubs doubled'. The correct score is displayed instantly on the BridgePad™ terminal on their table.
  • Error Correction and Table Progress
  • If there is an error in any result entered during a round, a player can go back to any boards in the round being played and correct it. The Director can monitor the scoring and the progress of the match using the BridgePad™ software on the PC. As results from the tables are entered into the BridgePad™ terminals, they are displayed instantaneously on the scoring computer screen in an easy to understand format, or matrix, so the Director can easily see which tables are behind. He can also manually correct any score before it is entered into the ACBL scoring program.
  • Additional Optional Use Features
  • ACBL Membership Number Registration
  • The BridgePad™ terminal can record players' ACBL membership numbers at the start of a match. The member numbers are automatically sent to the scoring program which enters it in its database.
  • Score Verification to Minimize Score Recording Errors
  • The BridgePad™ system optional score approval feature prevents results entered by the North-South pair from being sent to the scoring program until the East-West pair has verified and approved them. No scores are recorded unless both pairs agree that they are correct so scoring disputes can be eliminated.
  • Instant Comparison with Previous Scores
  • Players can get instant feedback about their results on a board compared to results obtained by previous players of the same board. A comparison can be displayed on the BridgePad™ terminal in either of 3 optional formats (selected by the Director before the game starts under 'Game Options' in the BridgePad program). The available formats are:
    1. Comparison format ( Top, Above Average, Average, Below Average, Bottom).
    2. Percentage Rank
    3. Traveler Format.
  • Final Results Summary Display
  • Match scores for each board played can be displayed on the BridgePad™ terminal at the end of the match. This allows players to get a full record of their own results without having to wait until the final match results have been printed.
  • Post results on your website
  • After collecting your scores using the BridgePad™ system, we suggest that you use 'Bridge Composer' software from www.bridgecomposer.com to create web pages with the game results and then display them on your club website.

System requirements:

  • IBM-compatible PC with Windows 2000, XP or Vista
  • USB port
  • ACBLscore scoring program for Windows - ver. 7.49 or later

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